Monthly Update
30 June 2020

The Fund rose by 0.21% in May, behind its performance comparator of cash + 5%, which rose by 0.44%. It was also behind the FTSE 100 Index, to which all the underlying strategies are linked, which rose 1.66% over the month on a price only basis.
The UK stock market initially performed well in June, continuing to regain some of the fall seen in March. As the month progressed however most of these gains were erased as fears of a second wave of COVID-19 rose, whilst concerns regarding Brexit returned to the spotlight.
Two strategies passed observation points in the month, but with observation levels of 7,416.69 and 7,194.19 they did not mature, moving on to their next observation points. Both have at least six years before their final observation date, giving the market plenty of time to recover.
Despite no maturing strategies, continuing positive inflows allowed the addition of another new note to the portfolio in June. An eight-year strategy with BBVA as the counterparty, (a new counterparty to the fund), it offers a potential 11% for each year held, maturing on the first anniversary the FTSE 100 Index is at or above 6,147.14. If it reaches its eighth anniversary and the FTSE 100 Index is still below 6,147.14, it will return the original capital, unless the FTSE 100 Index is below 3,688.28 on the final anniversary date. If it is below 3,688.28 then the return will be in line with the percentage fall in the FTSE 100 Index over the term.
To view all the strategies within the fund in detail, please visit the portfolio page on
The value of this investment can fall as well as rise and investors may get back less than they originally invested.
The Fund is suitable for investors who are seeking capital growth over a medium to long term horizon but who are willing to tolerate medium to high risks due to the potentially volatile nature of the investments.
This article is for information purposes only and should not be construed as advice. We strongly suggest you seek independent financial advice prior to taking any course of action.
The Lowes UK Defined Strategy Fund is a sub-fund of the Skyline Umbrella Fund (ICAV) and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. The KIID, Prospectus, and Supplement can be accessed by visiting and are only available in English.
Lowes Investment Management Ltd, Fernwood House, Clayton Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 1TL. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.